Rule of thirds

Rule of Thirds is the four specific points within the frame created by
horizontal and vertical lines in the centre that have been
scientifically proven to be the first points that the human eyes
are drawn to within a frame. The main subject must be on the
cross sections, the top horizontal line is where the eye line is best placed
in portrait and either the top of bottom horizontal line are used to for
natural horizons.

Shutter speed 1/500sec
Aperture f/2.8

This photo although it isn't a clear example of the Rule of thirds, it still contains examples of such, the roof is on the top horizontal line and the pipe starts near a cross section.

Shutter speed 1/60sec
Aperture f/2.8
The flower is not central in the frame. it is slightly to the left,
this is because this is where our eyes are naturally drawn to.

In this shot I was aiming to show rule of thirds, I wanted to
capture a fly either on a leave of flying close to one, once I had
found a fly I had to get close but not to close that it would fly
away before I got the shot, I had great difficulties adjusting the
lens into the correct focus because the fly kept moving around.
I would adjust the brightness of this picture, to do this i would
close the aperture slightly letting in less light making the picture
 darker, i would also change the positioning of the leave and the
fly within the shot this would be achieved by changing the
angle that i was holding the camera at.  

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