
Shutter speed 1/160sec
Aperture f/6.3

Repetition is simple, it consists of one object that
has been repeated within the frame, for example the rails,
repetition can be found everywhere, simply by finding
objects that are similar and following a simple repetitive pattern.

Shutter speed 1/200
Aperture f/7.1 

This is the one repetition shot that I would change because I would like to see more of the brown rusted areas as it gives more texture to the simple lines, I would also adjust the angle from which I took the shot to show a more unusual depth to the flat shutter.  

Shutter speed 1/125
Aperture f/5.6

These bricks were a good example of repetition and pattern,

but they were also a unusual example as well,
 because they are all slightly different.

Shutter speed1/160sec
Aperture f/6.3

This shot I took whilst looking down the centre of a support beam,
I liked the colours and the shape of the beam, the black and yellow block
are repeated down onto the floor and the roof above.

Shutter speed 1/250sec
Aperture f/8

I took this shot to show repetition as the pole are repeated several times, I had to select the right angle to take the photo from as I also wanted to show the shadows of the poles as well. The risks I faced with this shot were that I was close to a busy road and I had my back to it, I made sure to watch for traffic before I took the picture.

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