
 Framing is a simple composition, but when done properly
can create brilliant pictures, framing is where you use real world
objects such as trees, windows, holes, door frames, tyres etc.
and then take a photograph whilst looking through the object,
to create a frame within picture.

Shutter speed1/125sec
Aperture f/5.3

Shutter speed 1/125sec
Aperture f/5.6

In this shot I wanted to show framing, I had seen the shot from a distance away but was struggling to find the correct angle, once I had found it I had to adjust the aperture as the first few shots were under exposed (too dark). The risks with this shot were that the field that I was in also had bulls in it so I had to watch my back just in case I startled them.

Shutter speed1/40sec
Aperture f/5.6

Shutter speed 1/60sec
Aperture f/5.6

These pictures are all different examples of framing, the top picture is my favourite because of the way that it leads onto a open space with a unusual object on the floor, the only picture that I would change is the one to the right because of its brightness, I would do this by adjusting the aperture to make it a bit darker and adjust the contrast so the colour of the the flowers is in more depth.

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