Leading lines

Leading lines is where there is a clear path or line coming
into the frame and leading either out of frame
of into the distance.

this is a great example of leading lines, the
path starts of coming into the frame and then leading
up into the trees.

this is an unusual example of leading lines but
as you can see its a path that is leading to a certain destination.
Your eyes follow the yellow bars down the picture
to the end of the path. All the main lines like the building to the right
the green fence to the left and the path all lead to the same area within the frame. 

In this shot I wanted to show a clear example of leading lines, I did this by putting the camera on a tripod and moving it close to the walls, the difficulties I faced with this shot were due to brightness, the room that I was in was painted bright white and allot of the shots that I was taking were coming out over exposed, to solve this I reduced the aperture to make it a little darker and the shot came out prefect. If i was to make any changes to this shot I would, lower the camera towards the gutter in the bottom of the frame to give more depth, I would also adjust the lens focus so that it has features of wide depth of field so the wall and gutter closest to me were blurred and out of focus and the background were the wall turns off is clear.  

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