
contrast is where there is something in the picture
that stands out because it is different to the rest
of the picture, a difference in texture, colour or theme,
usually it is the main subject of the picture.

.ISO-400, Shutter speed 1/80sec, Aperture f/5.6
This a key example of contrast
 the blue face stands out from the wooden background.
Shutter speed 1/125sec
Aperture f/5.6

This shot i felt needed to be closer,
 i would do this by either moving
closer to the flower itself or adjusting
the lens zoom, i would also adjust the
focus so that the flower was clearer
and the grass in background was more
blurred and acting as one background colour.
Shutter speed 1/125sec
Aperture f/5.6

This was an unusual shot to take, i was going to
 take it from a lower angle so that it would
 contain more red but i like the way you see
the red floor carry on round the corner.

Shutter speed 1/125sec
Aperture f/5.6

In this shot I wanted to show contrast as clearly as possible, I lined the red pipe up so that it wasn't exactly central, I also wanted to use the small holes and the pipes brace as feature lines but still not having them central, the risks that I faced with this shot were that the pipe wasn't clean at the bottom and I wanted a clean block colour, so I had to get to a higher point to take the shot, this could have resulted in me dropping the camera or maybe falling. 

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