Point of veiw

Point of view is a common type of composition,
its used in every picture you take, basically its
how you look at an object, what angles you use,
how you manipulate light on objects and their shadows.

Shutter speed 1/100sec
Aperture f/5

In this shit I was aiming to show point of view, I had to fiddle with the distance that I was taking the shot from, the lens zoom and the aperture as it was a dark area. The difficulties with taking this shot were mainly the angle as I had to hold the camera at an unusual angle so that I could capture all the textures and colours.

The only thing that I would change with this picture is the area that I captured in general I
would make the frame bigger to show more of the sculpture, to do this I would simply step back a bit.

 In point of view I tried to capture objects from unusual angles, I used light to show unusual areas and shapes.

Shutter speed 1/60sec
Aperture f/4.5

  This photo also represents repetition, it is the same sculpture as the one above just from a different angle, I like this photo because of the different textures, shades of light and styles of line.

 This photo I didn't like, it hasn't got any emotion to it,
I would change this by adjusting the aperture so that less light is allowed to pass through the lens, making the picture darker.

Shutter speed 1/320
Aperture f/4.8

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