Depth of feild

.  ISO-125
   Shutter speed 1/40sec.
   Aperture f/2.8

Shallow Depth of Field
This is a common example of a shallow depth of field,
the main subject (the green shoot) is the in focus close up in the centre of the photo.
The background is blurred but still visible

Shutter speed 1/60sec
Aperture f/2.8
In this shot I wanted to show shallow depth of field, I wanted the pink flower in the centre of the picture so that depth of Field could be easily seen, I achieved this by going close to the flower and adjusting the lens to focus on the flower, the only risks or difficulties about this shot was the fact that it was a windy day and the flower I was trying to take a picture of was blowing around allot, making it difficult to capture the right shot.   

Shutter speed 1/125sec.
Aperture f/2.8

This is the one shallow depth example that i would change,
i would change it because certain parts of the flower that i
wanted in clear focus are slightly blurred and over exposed,
 i would change this by adjusting the focal lens and maybe
making the aperture smaller to let less light in.

Depth of field is a great way to focus on small objects up close,
you can get great detail in the subject and leave the background
 or foreground blurry acting as a canvas almost.

Wide Depth of Field 
wide depth of field is the opposite, the background is in full focus and the
 closest object (usually a object blocking the lens e.g: trees, people)
is blurry and obstructing the focused background.
In this shot I wanted to show wide depth of field I did this by looking through the bushes, I wanted to get a large area of foliage, but still show depth within the picture. I would use a tripod to stabilise the camera. I focused in on the leaves in the background making the leaves in the foreground blurred and out of focus, it was a difficult shot to achieve because it was a sunny day and rays of light kept breaking through the bush causing bright spots on most of the shots.

Shutter speed 1/100
Aperture f/2.8

.ISO-125, Shutter speed 1/125sec, Aperture f/2.8

Shutter speed 1/30sec
Aperture f/2.8

wide depth of field is good for taking crowd shot, with people slightly blocking the lens, framing can also be achieved by using depth of field.
You can also use depth of field to show distances from one object to another.

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