Friday 11 May 2012

Anti climb

. ISO-250
Shutter speed 1/125sec.
Aperture f/5.6

This is a key example of depth of field, it also includes repetition and leading lines, i took this picture because underneath the spikes was a sign saying don't climb, like you'd even want to. The reason why i like this picture is because the spikes are the main subject of the shot, but you can easily see the lights and roof.

Number 16

. ISO-200
Shutter speed 1/160sec.
Aperture f/6.3

This photo contains many different types of composition such as, rule of thirds, texture, contrast and a shallow depth of field. The reasons why i like this photo are because of the way the white and green contrast each over and also how detailed the raindrops are on the post. 

Friday 30 March 2012

Stones in green

. ISO-200
Shutter speed 1/125sec.
Aperture f/5.6

The composition of this photo is mainly leading lines and contrast. I took this photo because of the way the stones seem to be getting larger and also I because liked the contrast between the natural and man made and also the contrast of dull browns and greys on the stones to the bright green background.